Introducing our loyalty app for sushi-lovers. It’s free, easy, and 100% digital.

Start earning points and unlock exclusive rewards.

How it works

Now you can earn points for every purchase you make and use them as payment for your next Sticks'n'Sushi experience. The points also unlock new levels and benefits. It’s free, easy, and 100% digital.
Download our app in App Store or Google Play.

Explore Tiers and benefits

The Frequent Fisher universe has three levels: Aka, Kuro, and Kin. Each level unlocks new, exclusive rewards for your next visit. The more of a Frequent of a Fisher you are, the higher level you will achieve.

Order Takeaway or Pick up in restaurant

Are you often in a hurry? We got you! Getting dinner delivered or prepared for pickup has never been easier. Order via our app and enjoy the Sticks’n’Sushi experience at home.


At Sticks’n’Sushi, we have many regular guests to whom we owe everything. As we all know, "thank you" can sometimes feel a bit inadequate – which is why we believe it’s best expressed in a more tangible way.

If you’re among the loyal ones, let us know. Or rather, download our app and sign up as a Frequent Fisher.
We’ll keep an eye on you, sending benefits and special vouchers your way.

We're excited to spoil you and make every visit with us a bit more unforgettable.

Food loyalty
Food loyalty
Food loyalty

Earn points and benefits

- Download our app. - Register - Start earning points and enjoy benefits. - Pay with your points at your next visit.


Ordering takeaway and planning your next visit has never been easier.

  • Earn points on every purchase you make, which you can use as payment for both takeaway and dining in our restaurants.

  • Your earned points unlock unique benefits, such as free delivery, free coffee, or Ebi Bites on the house.

  • You’ll get access to special promotions and events before anyone else.

Frequently asked questions

Get the answers to your questions here

TakeawayBook table